RYCROFT Domestic Hot Water Evoplate Plate & Buffer

The Ormandy EVOPLATE is a compact, highly efficient packaged water heating system capable of supplying 600 – 9000 litres per hour of continuous hot water at 60˚C as well as meeting peak demands in excess of the rated input duty. The system comprises of stored water volume, instantaneous brazed plate heat exchanger, domestic circulating pump, flow regulator and direct acting primary temperature controller. The EVOPLATE is supplied ready fitted and is easy to install.

  • Reduced hot water storage up to 75% less than a traditional storage calorifier.
  • Lightweight with minimum footprint.
  • Achieve the maximum possible performance from condensing boiler installations.
  • Reduced downtime and maintenance.
  • Integral dual action domestic water pump ensuring constant flow through the exchanger and reducing the risk from legionnaire’s disease.
  • Direct acting temperature controller. Electronic controllers are not required.
  • Factory tested and ready to install.
  • Fully compliant with L8 and the PED.
  • Unvented kits available.
  • High heat transfer co-efficients when compared with traditional storage calorifiers.
  • Flexible storage buffer and heat exchanger selection to optimise equipment selection.
  • Available in copper or stainless steel.