Heating for Condensing Boiler Systems
Fan convectors have for many years been acknowledged to be one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways of heating a room quickly. With minimal maintenance requirements fan convectors rapidly distribute heat throughout a room whilst occupying much less wall space than a radiator of equivalent output.
The advantages of energy efficient condensing boilers are well documented, but traditional fan convectors do not perform well with condensing boiler water temperatures.
The Forceflow CB fan convector has been designed to provide similar heating duties to traditional fan convectors (operating with constant temperature systems of 82°C flow and 71°C return) but with condensing boiler water temperatures of 60°C flow and 40°C return, or lower.
Forceflow Sectional
Biddle’s Forceflow Sectional range has been specially developed and designed to allow contractors to replace any manufacturer’s existing ‘back access’ fan convector with a ‘like for like’ product.
Its unique sectional configuration ensures compatibility with previous building work. The three sections are delivered separately for ease of handling. Quick and easy to fix together the unit can be secured to virtually any wall and utilises existing apertures, minimising building work.